
Alongside his work as an attorney-at-law, Dr. Harald Bösch is also active in the academic field and regularly publishes articles on topical legal issues in the relevant journals.

Harald Bösch is the author of the 800-page standard work on Liechtenstein’s foundation law ("Liechtensteinisches Stiftungsrecht") published in 2005, which has been instrumental in influencing the development of the Principality’s law. This work is frequently cited by Liechtenstein courts and provided a major cornerstone for the reform of Liechtenstein foundation law in 2008. The book marked the culmination of an academic research project initiated by the Liechtenstein Institute, who appointed Harald Bösch to conduct research in this area of law. Bösch carried out this work between 1998 and 2005 alongside his professional role as attorney. Following the introduction of the foundation law reform in 2008, the book went on to become an essential reference for anyone seeking a detailed understanding of Liechtenstein foundation law.

Law firm owner Harald Bösch is also regarded as a leading expert on Liechtenstein trust law. His doctoral thesis on this subject published in 1995 ("Die liechtensteinische Treuhänderschaft zwischen Trust und Treuhand") focuses in particular on the common features and differences between the common law trust and the Liechtenstein trust. This brought about a fundamental change in the Principality’s judicial practice, reversing the way in which a major aspect of the law had previously been applied (Ruling by the Liechtenstein Supreme Court of 06.07.2000, LES 2000, 148 with additional comments from Bösch, LES 2000, 87 ff.)

In addition to these two authoritative works, Harald Bösch has in the meantime published over a dozen legal articles as well as contributions to commemorative publications.



A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

[Winston Churchill]

Our expertise will help you to identify your opportunities under Liechtenstein law.


Law Offices of Dr. Harald Boesch
Am Stein 19
A-6900 Bregenz

T +43 5574 45700
F +43 5574 45700-7

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